
Dermatology pics

[NSFW & a bit gross] itchy skin around vagina and anus, a little cut on my

[NSFW & a bit gross] itchy skin around vagina and anus, a little cut on my perinium, it stings when I wash it, & now the skin is peeling. Help!


Scared - bumps on penis and pubic area. Can anyone tell me what they might be?

Scared - bumps on penis and pubic area. Can anyone tell me what they might be?


Genital warts?

Genital warts?


Help with identifying a rash i have had for 5+ years, dry, starting to spread...

Help with identifying a rash i have had for 5+ years, dry, starting to spread...


(Kinda NSFW) They feel like small balls and don't hurt or anything. anyone know what

(Kinda NSFW) They feel like small balls and don't hurt or anything. anyone know what they are or can help me get rid of them.


can someone help me with this spot on my breast ? I doesn't hurt at all it just looks

can someone help me with this spot on my breast ? I doesn't hurt at all it just looks weird . it got from clear pink to dark in a matter of 3 days with me never scratching it.


[NSFW] Yellow bump on lower shaft of penis won't go away, had for 4 months - What

[NSFW] Yellow bump on lower shaft of penis won't go away, had for 4 months - What is it and how do I get rid of it?


Minor bump (2+years) nsfw

Minor bump (2+years) nsfw


Not sure if NSFW is allowed but: I have had these over sized pores on the underside

Not sure if NSFW is allowed but: I have had these over sized pores on the underside of my penis since I can remember, what are they?


Giant skin tag removal:I have been living with this annoying bit of skin on my inner

Giant skin tag removal:I have been living with this annoying bit of skin on my inner right thigh for years, but it recently got caught on something and bled a little/became sore. Is this just a giant skin tag I can tie off or something worse?


Help Identify These Tiny Bumps! NSFW

Help Identify These Tiny Bumps! NSFW


[NSFW] I've had this birthmark/mole my whole life and it has kept me from feeling

[NSFW] I've had this birthmark/mole my whole life and it has kept me from feeling comfortable naked, even in front of my wife. Creams don't work, could it be removed? If so, any idea of cost?


[NSFW] What's causing the rash growing on my butt?

[NSFW] What's causing the rash growing on my butt?


What is this on my inner thigh? I had it for a few years, no itch.

What is this on my inner thigh? I had it for a few years, no itch.


[NSFW] Bumps on shaft. Not sure if its in grown hair or not

[NSFW] Bumps on shaft. Not sure if its in grown hair or not


A couple non itchy slightly pink / red blotches on groin

A couple non itchy slightly pink / red blotches on groin


NSFW I've had this cyst (?) On my left breast for almost 6 months. Some days it kills

NSFW I've had this cyst (?) On my left breast for almost 6 months. Some days it kills me, other days it's like it's not there. Never been infected, but has become inflamed and I've drained it at home. Is there anything else I need to be doing?


Rash or skin infection Identification

Rash or skin infection Identification


[NSFW] What is this on my Testicle?

[NSFW] What is this on my Testicle?


[NSFW] Help with spots beneath foreskin

[NSFW] Help with spots beneath foreskin


Unidentified welps formed on stomach and lower body. Need expertise.

Unidentified welps formed on stomach and lower body. Need expertise.


[NSFW] What do you think this bump is?

[NSFW] What do you think this bump is?


Can anyone confirm if it's irritation burn on my penis or not?

Can anyone confirm if it's irritation burn on my penis or not?


Can anyone confirm me if it's friction burn or not?

Can anyone confirm me if it's friction burn or not?


Cyst showed up on my inner thigh close to my ballsack, got bigger, now about a week

Cyst showed up on my inner thigh close to my ballsack, got bigger, now about a week later my ballsack is also very dry and flaky


Doc told me this fungal infection. I'm paranoid that this is something else. Please

Doc told me this fungal infection. I'm paranoid that this is something else. Please help!


Scar tissue from wary treatment, or more genital warts?

Scar tissue from wary treatment, or more genital warts?


Is this ringworm (please respond) NSFW

Is this ringworm (please respond) NSFW


What the hell is this NSFW

What the hell is this NSFW


anyone have any clue what this is? bumps on groin

anyone have any clue what this is? bumps on groin


Strange Spots? [Mildly NSFW]

Strange Spots? [Mildly NSFW]


I've been treated for genital warts on the underside of my shaft with several different

I've been treated for genital warts on the underside of my shaft with several different methods. My dermatologist says this area is all scar tissue and that nothing can be done about it. Does this look like scar tissue, and if so is there anything I can d


Patch of Freckles or rash randomly showed up on side of breast. NSFW?

Patch of Freckles or rash randomly showed up on side of breast. NSFW?


Rash, seems to be spreading.

Rash, seems to be spreading.


[NSFW] Are these Fordyce spots on my foreskin? I'm in my late 20s, well after puberty.

[NSFW] Are these Fordyce spots on my foreskin? I'm in my late 20s, well after puberty.


Male - possible cyst in groin? There’s some kind of sac that protrudes on occasion.

Male - possible cyst in groin? There’s some kind of sac that protrudes on occasion. Very painful. Started as a purple lump covered by skin but the skin fell off on top. Chafing all around. (Tested, No STD’s) what is this thing? Possible NSFW


[Possibly NSFW] 30/m, only known allergy latex. Widespread rash that presents differently

[Possibly NSFW] 30/m, only known allergy latex. Widespread rash that presents differently based on body area, blanches, no fever or radiating heat. VA hospital can't identify. This is day 6, no topical treatment, m-prednisolone shot two days ago, 2nd day


Weird scab on penis. Any idea what it is?

Weird scab on penis. Any idea what it is?
