
Uichicago pics

Maybe just wait for the green...

Maybe just wait for the green...

WTF, idiot, BetterEveryLoop, urbancycling, bicycling, JusticeServed, bikemessengers, rva, Whatcouldgowrong, dashcamgifs, WinStupidPrizes, watchpeopledie, HadToHurt, holdmyfeedingtube, uichicago

Blazing fast

Blazing fast


[NSFL] oh god please tell me this isn't real im shakign and crying how could they

[NSFL] oh god please tell me this isn't real im shakign and crying how could they so tkis to sparky d drahpn.......


UIC can't be the only university in Chicago that won't cancel right? Right??

UIC can't be the only university in Chicago that won't cancel right? Right??
