
Newskaters pics

2 days of eating it on the same sick bruise

2 days of eating it on the same sick bruise


New skater checking in! First time riding today and got my first war wound. NSFW.

New skater checking in! First time riding today and got my first war wound. NSFW.


Bought a skateboard to give it another try after fifteen years, I forgot it hurts.

Bought a skateboard to give it another try after fifteen years, I forgot it hurts.


psa don't skate with a glass soda bottle in your hand (slightly nsfl)

psa don't skate with a glass soda bottle in your hand (slightly nsfl)


My helmet probably saved my life today. But learn from me and wear some damn wrist

My helmet probably saved my life today. But learn from me and wear some damn wrist guards too. [Closed fracture, NSFL]


Dont skate with flipflops [foot injury NSFW]

Dont skate with flipflops [foot injury NSFW]


Just got a board yesterday, first bail today :)

Just got a board yesterday, first bail today :)


Just bought this for 45 bucks

Just bought this for 45 bucks


Why. Just Why.

Why. Just Why.

ATBGE, NoahGetTheBoat, birthofafetish, dontputyourdickinthat, ConfusedBoners, MakeMeSuffer, moviescirclejerk, NewSkaters, shittydarksouls, dankruto, TIHI, PutYourDickInThat

I normally longboard but I wanted to try skating. I just put together my first skateboard

I normally longboard but I wanted to try skating. I just put together my first skateboard and I love it! ❤️❤️ (Yes the trucks are reversed, oops!!) [NSFW]


Don't skate barefoot in your house. Even if you're excited about your new wheels.

Don't skate barefoot in your house. Even if you're excited about your new wheels. Apparently I should have stitched this 2 days ago.
