
Interestingbutcreepy pics

Horsehair worms leaving their host!

Horsehair worms leaving their host!

awfuleverything, oddlyterrifying, nope, TIHI, NatureISscary, killitwithfire, mildlyterrifying, MakeMeSuffer, creepy, dontputyourdickinthat, imsorryjon, FiftyFifty, NoahGetTheBoat, HolUp, nononono, Interestingbutcreepy, thanksihateit, interestingasfuck, forbiddensnacks

Last month I cut my finger on a Table Saw. The blade cut though my finger but left

Last month I cut my finger on a Table Saw. The blade cut though my finger but left the nail on both side. You can even make out where the teeth cut through the nail ( sorry if this is the wrong Sub)
